- Did you really save the world ?...- Mostly I was saving my own ass. Just happend that the world was in the same spot.

Jim Butcher
- Did you really save the world ?...- Mostly I...
- Did you really save the world ?...- Mostly I...
- Did you really save the world ?...- Mostly I...
- Did you really save the world ?...- Mostly I...
About This Quote

This is a quote by Arnold Schwarzenegger. He was born in Austria and is a former Governor of California. He was known for his acting career and bodybuilding. This quote shows that sometimes we do not realize all the things we do until it is too late. People often say “I did not know how much I could help until I did something about it,” but this quote shows that even when we try to help people we may have not thought about the consequences of our actions.

Source: Blood Rites

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  2. You can have everything in the world, but if you don't have love, none of it means crap, " he said promptly. "Love is patient. Love is kind. Love always forgives, trusts, supports, and endures. <span style="margin:15px; display:block"></span>Love never fails. When every star in the...

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